Saturday, March 29, 2008

Today is the day....

I can't contain my excitement!!!! I have finally spent the ten whole minutes it took to create this blog....Why was it that I kept putting this off? I have been feeling pulled toward this world of blogging for quite some time now and hope that some of my random ramblings about life will be enjoyed by others. Stay tuned for the beginning of my thoughts on-Life in the Grey Area!


Marie Green said...

Wow, I found you already! I'm your first commenter! I'm assuming that it's ok if I read this, considering that you commented on my blog with this name....

I'm excited for you- welcome to my favorite addiction! =)

Kristina said...

Thanks Marie!!! I'm so happy to see you here:) Pammy may be checking out my blog too.

Kristin.... said...

Welcome to blogland. It's fun, if slightly addicting. I'll check back!