Monday, September 29, 2008


I know life is not always going to go as planned, but sometimes I just need a break! Last night I went to bed smiling after spending a wonderful weekend with my family. On Saturday Grace and I spent the day with friends at the MOA. It was a blissful day of all things pink and pretty. Two 7 yr olds with great new hairstyles and happy faces from lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. Then on Sunday we spent the morning at our new church and the afternoon doing an all-family cleaning of the house. It was such a relief to have things tidied up!

So monday dawned early with crabby kids and a baby full of boogers. By just after breakfast I had Grace back in bed after she refused to get on the school bus. Faith was in the bathroom with Daddy trying to cough up one of her lungs and Hope was being her usually sassy self. Soon I had a Dr appt. made for Faith and I had pleaded several times with Grace to let me take her to school-but no, she still had a "tummy ache"!

It's now late afternoon. I just spent the last hour on the toilet-something about lunch was not appealing to my bowels(TMI). Grace finally went to school and is now home again:) Faith is fine, lungs are clear and she has coughed and puked up all of last nights phlegm. Hope is still sassy and is currently running aro-update:I was just informed that Hope just peed on the counter again!!!

Gotta Go!
Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Raymond and Emily said...

Happy Monday indeed. It comes like a slap in the face sometimes doesn't it. I hope Tuesday is going better.
